Week 10

Kevin Wong
3 min readJun 2, 2020


Hi friend,

I’m well. Not that I had coronavirus but I don’t see how I don’t have it. I assume I’m asymptomatic since I still go into work every day. Not by choice, but by being deemed essential (or expendable). I took a staycation week and don’t envy anyone in quarantine or lack imagination.

I didn’t take this virus seriously. I was dealing with my own issue of having an elementary school kid call me Jackie Chan at a park, and frankly, none of my friends have it. This was just crazy numbers on the news. Reporters would stand in front of a hospital and say six people admitted, tested positive for Covid-19. They didn’t interview a nurse, doctor, or one person who has it, but would stand in 200 mph wind to interview a tornado last week. Still didn’t see the severity. Then it killed Disneyland and Bernie Sanders’ dream.

Everything is closed. Or closes early. Does this virus come out at night? Was this what Phil Collins was talking about when he said he could feel it coming in the air tonight? …oh Lord. I have no me time to address my essentials. I’m restricted to two places for lunch. When I took my time looking at the menu at Specialty’s, the manager said, “why you playing, you always get the same thing!”

I really don’t want to think it came from China because I have ignorant friends that starts their sentences with tell your people, tell me meme jokes to my face and I have to pretend to like them, even when some Asians must feel like pioneers for wearing masks and being awkward for social distancing. I want to refute the eating a bat theory. It’s 2020. Don’t you think they would of tried bats in the 60s or 70s? Because kids eat ass today, bats are now available at a wet market in Wuhan? No wife had her husband come home and say his friend, the biggest Ozzy Osbourne fan, took him to try bat for lunch, but couldn’t taste or smell his lunch. Because his idiot ate a bat, didn’t wash his hands, touched his face, then sneezed, got the world on lockdown. This is as dumb as saying HIV was invented when a gay guy had sex with a monkey in Africa. Maybe a freaky gay guy with a micro penis and a VERY willing monkey… but I don’t have a good imagination.

The only people benefitting from this is Amazon, Zoom, and the Houston Astros. Hoarders and germaphobes must feel vindicated. And it was suppose to be only two weeks! A pregnant pause. Not cancel movies, Olympics, seeing people’s mouth’s move, and evolving. Now, we’re entering fourth month. It’s time to adapt and adjust, if we haven’t. I was skeptic about Zoom shows until I did my first one and realized how rusty I was after a month. I need my job just as much as my job needs me just as much as the restaurants I’m supporting because I can’t cook.

Things I’ve learned is, the things you hold closest to you, is there for a reason. Sometimes we forget or take things for granted. I used to feel like I had to keep up, or compete, when I really don’t. All Trail Blazers don’t follow but find their own paths. This isn’t a pause but a reset. This has given me time to do things I’ve said I didn’t have time for, like wash my car or clean the bathroom. If it’s boredom, then it’s a lack of imagination. We didn’t need internet to survive 30 years ago. We had Michael Jackson and Don Mattingly. We had special effects when it was special. What I’m trying to say is, I hope I come out of this a better person by looking back at what matters, rather than were I want to go.

